Celia de Flers

Welcome! I am Celia de Flers, a Nutrition and Transformational Health Coach based in Los Angeles.

My Coaching is based on a Mind-Body approach to look at the bigger picture of health and wellness. This means honoring the body in a holistic system and recognizing that everything is connected.

My customized programs mix nutrition, spirituality, and holistic lifestyle to help people of all ages enhance their innate ability to become the best version of themselves.

With my hands-on approach, I help release Past Traumas, Stress, Fear, PTSD, Addiction, whether it be social, physical, or emotional. When people work with me, they learn how to restore harmony to their body.

One of my goals is to bring Qi into balance to support growth and healing, help "know thyself" in a deeper way and understand how to navigate the challenges in their personal lives.

As a coach, I put the power back in YOUR hands.

Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.

My Philosophy of Care

I teach what I practice myself in my daily life and dedicate my coaching to listening so people feel heard and supported to create positive change.

Each one of us is unique and there isn't one solution that works for all. So I customize each program to fit each of my client.

I believe in empowering you to live your best life and ultimately make the world a better place.

Changing the world starts with changing yourself.

My Inspiration

Following a severe burnout and past trauma in my own life, I decided to further my knowledge and education going back to school and get certifications to also help others transform their lives.

I now share the wisdom I acquired during all these years of research, studies and formal training in Nutritional Health, Meditation, Pranayama, Sound Therapy, Harmonyum Energy Healing and yoga through my individual sessions, group classes and workshops.